56 research outputs found

    Land & Water: A History of Fifteenth-Century Vietnam from an Environmental Perspective.

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    Ph.D. Thesis. University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa 2017

    A numerical model for simulation of near-shore waves and wave induced currents using the depth-averaged non-hydrostatic shallow water equations with an improvement of wave energy dissipation

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    This study proposes a numerical model based on the depth-integrated non-hydrostatic shallow water equations with an improvement of wave breaking dissipation. Firstly, studies of parameter sensitivity were carried out using the proposed numerical model for simulation of wave breaking to understand the effects of the parameters of the breaking model on wave height distribution. The simulated results of wave height near the breaking point were very sensitive to the time duration parameter of wave breaking. The best value of the onset breaking parameter is around 0.3 for the non-hydrostatic shallow water model in the simulation of wave breaking. The numerical results agreed well with the published experimental data, which confirmed the applicability of the present model to the simulation of waves in near-shore areas

    A Target Threat Assessment Method for Application in Air Defense Command and Control Systems

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    Introduction. This paper presents a solution for threat assessment of air targets using the fuzzy logic inference method. The approach is based on the Sugeno fuzzy model, which has multiple inputs representing target trajectory parameters and a single output representing the target threat value. A set of IF–THEN fuzzy inference rules, utilizing the AND operator, is developed to assess the input information.Aim. To develop and test an algorithm model to calculate the threat value of an air target for use in real-time automated command and control systems.Materials and methods. An algorithm model was developed using a fuzzy model to calculate the threat value of a target. The model is presented in the form of a flowchart supported by a detailed stepwise implementation process. The accuracy of the proposed algorithm was evaluated using the available toolkit in MATLAB. Additionally, a BATE software testbed was developed to assess the applicability of the algorithm model in a real-time automated command and control system.Results. The efficiency of the proposed fuzzy model was evaluated by its simulation and testing using MATLAB tools on a set of 10 target trajectories with different parameters. Additionally, the BATE software was utilized to test the model under various air defense scenarios. The proposed fuzzy model was found to be capable of efficiently computing the threat value of each target with respect to the protected object.Conclusion. The proposed fuzzy model can be applied when developing tactical supporting software modules for real-time air defense command and control systems.Introduction. This paper presents a solution for threat assessment of air targets using the fuzzy logic inference method. The approach is based on the Sugeno fuzzy model, which has multiple inputs representing target trajectory parameters and a single output representing the target threat value. A set of IF–THEN fuzzy inference rules, utilizing the AND operator, is developed to assess the input information.Aim. To develop and test an algorithm model to calculate the threat value of an air target for use in real-time automated command and control systems.Materials and methods. An algorithm model was developed using a fuzzy model to calculate the threat value of a target. The model is presented in the form of a flowchart supported by a detailed stepwise implementation process. The accuracy of the proposed algorithm was evaluated using the available toolkit in MATLAB. Additionally, a BATE software testbed was developed to assess the applicability of the algorithm model in a real-time automated command and control system.Results. The efficiency of the proposed fuzzy model was evaluated by its simulation and testing using MATLAB tools on a set of 10 target trajectories with different parameters. Additionally, the BATE software was utilized to test the model under various air defense scenarios. The proposed fuzzy model was found to be capable of efficiently computing the threat value of each target with respect to the protected object.Conclusion. The proposed fuzzy model can be applied when developing tactical supporting software modules for real-time air defense command and control systems

    Numerical model for simulation of waves in surfzone and nearshore areas based on Boussinesq equations: results for plane beaches

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    A numerical model based on the 2D Boussinesq equations has been developed using the Finite Volume Method. The model was verified against experimental data for the case of wave breaking on a sloping beach. Simulated results by the model showed that the model has good capability of simulation of waves in the nearshore area. Numerical simulation was also carried out for the problem of waves on a plane beach with a breakwater and submerged dunes. Simulated results were compared with those computed by MIKE 21. The comparison showed that good agreements were obtained and confirmed the applicability of the Boussinesq model to the simulation of physical phenomena of waves in the nearshore areas, especially, suitable for the simulation of wave-induced current including rip currents


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    GM-CSF (granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor) is a cytokine with wide effects, not only on hematopoietic precursor cells, dendritic cells, but also on smooth muscle cells, epithelial cells and even neurons. Although, it does not play role in hGM-CSF biological functions, glycosylation enhances the protein in vivo stability. Therapeutic drugs containing recombinant hGM-CSF are mostly produced in Escherichia coli or Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which do not have post-translation modification mechanisms similar to those of humans. In this present study, the gene encoding for human (h)GM-CSF was transfected into the Chinese Ovary Cell (CHO)-K1 and expression of the protein was evaluated. Firstly, gene was inserted into the open reading frame after early promoter CMV at EcoRI and XhoI restriction sites. Recombinant vectors are screened by colony PCR, restriction enzyme digestion and sequencing. The recombinant vector was termed pcDNA-hGM and was transfected into CHO-K1 cells using cationic lipid method. Transformants was selected and maintained using antibiotic Geneticin. The results showed that the gene encoding for hGM-CSF was indeed cloned into pcDNA3.1+ vector at EcoRI and XhoI restriction sites. The conditioned medium collected from CHO‑K1/pcDNA-hGM stimulated the proliferation of TF-1, an hGM-CSF-dependent cell line. In summary, the recombinant vector pcDNA-hGM was cloned and the recombinant cell line CHO‑K1/pcDNA-hGM expressed active hGM-CSF. This is the first research on expression hGM-CSF in CHO-K1 cell line and providing evidence for further investigation on isolation and purification of hGM-CSF afterward.Nhân tố kích thích tạo cụm bạch cầu hạt và đại thực bào người (hGM-CSF, human granulocyte-macrophage colony stimulating factor) là một cytokine có phổ tác dụng rộng trong cơ thể, từ các tế bào tiền thân tạo máu, tế bào tua, đến tế bào cơ trơn, tế bào biểu mô và cả một số tế bào thần kinh. Sự glycosyl hóa, dù không đóng vai trò trong tương tác với thụ thể nhưng có tác dụng làm tăng độ bền cho hGM-CSF ở điều kiện in vivo. Những sản phẩm hGM-CSF tái tổ hợp sử dụng rộng rãi hiện nay chủ yếu được sản xuất từ Echerichia coli và Saccharomyces cerevisiae, những loại tế bào chủ không có bộ máy biến đổi sau dịch mã giống người. Trong nghiên cứu này, gene hgm-csf mã hóa cho protein hGM‑CSF được chuyển vào trong tế bào buồng trứng chuột hamster Trung Quốc (CHO-K1 cells) và đánh giá khả năng biểu hiện protein. Trước tiên, gene được chèn vào plasmid pcDNA3.1+ đúng khung đọc mở ngay sau promoter CMV tại vị trí EcoRI và XhoI. Plasmid tái tổ hợp được sàng lọc bằng PCR khuẩn lạc với cặp mồi đặc hiệu, cắt giới hạn và giải trình tự. Plasmid tái tổ hợp sau quá trình kiểm tra được đặt tên pcDNA-hGM. Sau đó, plasmid tái tổ hợp đưa vào tế bào CHO-K1 bằng phương pháp biến nạp sử dụng cationic lipid và nuôi chọn lọc bằng kháng sinh Geneticin. Kết quả cho thấy gene hgm-csf đã được dòng hoá vào plasmid pcDNA3.1+ tại vị trí EcoRI và XhoI. Dịch môi trường nuôi tế bào CHO-K1/ pcDNA‑hGM cho thấy khả năng kích thích sự tăng sinh của dòng tế bào TF-1, dòng tế bào sống phụ thuộc hGM-CSF. Như vậy, plasmid tái tổ hợp pcDNA-hGM đã được cấu trúc thành công và dòng tế bào mang gene tái tổ hợp CHO‑K1/pcDNA-hGM biểu hiện protein hGM‑CSF có hoạt tính. Đây là nghiên cứu đầu tiên về biểu hiện hGM-CSF trên tế bào CHO-K1 ở Việt Nam và là cơ sở cho bước khảo sát các điều kiện thu nhận và tinh chế hGM-CSF tiếp sau

    Evaluation of probabilistic-temporal characteristics of a computer system with container virtualization

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    The dependence of request servicing delay on the number of deployed containers is investigated for computer systems with container virtualization. The sought-after dependency is due to the allocation of limited computational resources of the computer system between active and inactive containers loaded in the system. The conducted research proposes a comprehensive combination of analytical queuing model, simulation modeling, and natural experiments. The studied computer system is interpreted as a multi-channel queuing system with an unlimited queue. The peculiarity of the proposed approach is the study of the influence of the number of containers formed in the system on queue delays and request servicing rate. Each container is associated with a service channel, and for the operation of a container in active and inactive states, the use of part of the common resources of the computing system is required. When constructing the model, it is assumed that the input flow is simple, and the service is exponential. The service rate depends on the number of deployed containers and the number of requests in the system. The experimental dependence of service rate on the number of active containers has been established. The experimental study was carried out on a platform based on Proxmox virtualization technology with fixed resources. To study the influence of the number of active containers on service rate within the experiment, a single-threaded web server was deployed in the form of several containers managed using the portable extensible Kubernetes k3s platform. The results of calculations using the analytical model are confirmed by the results of simulation modeling implemented using the SimPy modeling library in the Python programming language. Based on the conducted research, the need to solve the optimization problem of the number of deployable containers in a computer system regarding the influence of this number on request servicing delays is shown. The conducted research can find application in the design of real-time cluster systems critical to acceptable wait service delays, ensuring the continuity of the computational process, and preserving unique data accumulated during the system operation. The proposed approaches can be applied in the creation of fault-tolerant distributed computer systems, including those operating with failure accumulation and system reconfiguration with load (request) redistribution during dynamic container migration and replication

    Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud Platform for Satellite Data Processing

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    As part of NOAA’s Environmental Satellite Processing and Distribution System (ESPDS) program, Solers created a cloud platform for satellite data management and processing. It consists of Enterprise Data Management (EDM) and Enterprise Product Generation (EPG) services, hosted in an Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud environment, leveraging AWS cloud services and existing NOAA product generation algorithms. While this cloud platform was developed in the context of NOAA/NESDIS satellite data management and processing requirements, it also has tremendous applicability and cost effectiveness for small satellite data management and processing needs. An attractive method for ingesting data from small satellites is the AWS Ground Station. This can help small satellite operators save on costs of real estate, hardware/software, and labor to deploy and operate their own ground stations. The data is ingested via AWS-managed antennas, and made available for further processing in the AWS cloud using COTS RF/ baseband over IP transport services. Once this data has been ingested and made available, the flexible REST APIs from the EDM and EPG services in the AWS cloud make it easy and cost-effective for small satellite operators to catalog and process the data into consumable products, and make them available for access to end users

    Синтез алгоритма траекторной обработки объектов методами теории кластеризации данных

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    Introduction.  Requirements for the quality of information about the trajectory of moving objects provided by sensor networks are increasingly becoming more stringent. For Information and Data Processing Centers (DPC) at control and management command posts, the issue of information mapping and forming the true trajectories of moving objects in the area of intersection of network detection zones is of particular importance. The use of conventional approaches to solving this problem involves issues  related to ensuring the efficient provision of users with complete and reliable information about trajectories in real time. In this article, wee propose a new approach to solving this problem using data mining theory, in particular, the methods of data clustering theory. Based on an analysis of the process of processing radar data in a DPC and its similarity with that of data clustering, we synthesized an algorithm for processing the trajectories of moving objects. The algorithm was verified by modelling and experimental research.Aim.  To develop a generalized scheme for processing object trajectories (TP) in a DPC and to synthesized a TP algorithm using the methods of data clustering theory.Materials  and  methods.  Data  Clustering  theory,  Systems   Engineering  theory,  Radar  Data  processing  theory (RD), methods of mathematical modelling and experimental research.Results.  Based on an analysis of the essence of radar data processing (RD) in a DPC and its similarity with the process of data clustering,  an algorithm for processing the trajectories of moving objects was synthesized and verified by modelling and experimental research. A generalized scheme for processing the trajectories of moving objects in a DPC and a TP algorithm for a DPC were synthesized.Conclusions.  An algorithm for processing object trajectories was proposed based on a new approach of data clustering theory. A generalized scheme and an algorithm for processing object trajectories (TP) in a DPC were suggested. These developments can be  effectively applied in various models, e.g. centralized, hierarchical and decentralized. The synthesized algorithm can provide output information about the true identified trajectories in terms of various indicators of data processing systems (DPS).Введение.  С  каждым  годом  становится  сложнее  совершенствовать  процесс  обработки  информации  о траекториях движения объектов, получаемой  из сенсорной сети. Этот процесс имеет особое значение для  центров обработки информации и данных (ЦОИД), в которых осуществляется контроль и управление, так как возникает вопрос сопоставления информации и формирования истинных траекторий объектов в области пересечения зон обнаружения сети. При использовании традиционных подходов  к  решению  данной  проблемы  возникают  вопросы,  связанные  с  обеспечением  эффективного  предоставления  пользователем  выходной  достоверной  траекторной  информации  в  реальном  времени.  В  данной статье предложен новый подход к решению этого вопроса на основе теории интеллектуального анализа данных (data mining) с помощью методов кластеризации данных.Цель работы. Разработка обобщенной схемы траекторной обработки (ТО) в ЦОИД и синтез алгоритма ТО с использованием методов кластеризации данных.Материалы и методы.  Теория кластеризации данных, теория системотехники,  теория обработки радиолокационной  информации  (РЛИ), методы математического моделирования и практического исследования.Результаты.  На основе анализа сущности процесса обработки  РЛИ  в ЦОИД и его сходства с процессом кластеризации  данных  синтезирован  алгоритм  траекторной  обработки  объектов,  проверенный  моделированием  и  экспериментально.  Помимо  алгоритма  синтезирована  структурная  схема  ТО  для  ЦОИД, полученной из сенсорной сети.Заключение.  Предложены обобщенная  структурная  схема  и  алгоритм  ТО  для  ЦОИД.  Они  могут  эффективно применяться для различных системных моделей ТО, таких, как  централизованная, иерархическая и децентрализованная.  Синтезированный  алгоритм  может  обеспечивать  предоставление  выходных данных об  истинных отождествленных траекториях по многим показателям системы обработки информации (СОИ)

    Formulation and solution technique for agricultural waste collection and transport network design

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    Agricultural waste management in developing countries has become a challenging issue for rural planners due to the lack of an efficient planning tool. In the countries, farmers burnt agricultural waste at fields after each harvesting season to solve the issue. As a result, it has caused air and water pollution in the rural areas of the countries. In this paper, we present a mixed-integer nonlinear programming model for agricultural waste collection and transport network design that aims to stop burning waste and use the waste to produce bio-organic fertilizer. The model supports rural planners to optimally locate waste storages, and to determine the optimal set of routes for a fleet of vehicles to collect and transport the waste from the storages to the bio-organic fertilizer production facility. In the novel location-assignment-routing problem, the overall objective is to minimize total cost of locating storages, collecting waste from fields and planning vehicle routes. A solution technique is developed to linearise the mixed-integer nonlinear programming model into a model in linear form. In addition, a parallel water flow algorithm is developed to solve efficiently the large-sized instances. The efficiency of the proposed model and algorithm is validated and evaluated on the real case study in Trieu Phong district, Quang Tri province, Vietnam, as well as a set of randomly generated large-sized instances. The results show that our solution approach outperforms the general optimisation solver and tabu search algorithm. Our algorithm can find the optimal or near-optimal solutions for the large-sized instances within a reasonable time